The event, which lasts until July 5, was organised by the Austrian Foreign Trade Office, the Austrian Embassy in Croatia and the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Austrian Week will end with a Mozart concent to mark the 250th anniversary of his birth.
Španjolska: Espanyol - Girona 1-1
Engleska: West Ham - Newcastle 0-1
Italija: Lazio - Udinese 1-1
SAD ukida 83 posto međunarodnih projekata pomoći koje financira USAID
Srbija: Spriječeno krijumčarenje 11 migranata u Hrvatsku
Sirija: SDF predvođen Kurdima bit će integriran u državne institucije
Papa dobro reagira na liječenje, više nije u životnoj opasnosti
FINANCIJSKI SERVIS od 10. ožujka 2025.
Usporedni tečajevi poslovnih banaka primjenjivi 11. ožujka
SKV: Hrvatska u 21 sat
The event, which lasts until July 5, was organised by the Austrian Foreign Trade Office, the Austrian Embassy in Croatia and the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Austrian Week will end with a Mozart concent to mark the 250th anniversary of his birth.
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