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Autor: ;itom;
ZAGREB, June 19 (Hina) - Commenting on the latest events regarding the definition of the Croatian-Slovene border, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic has said that former Yugoslav republics had their own borders that were internationally confirmed by the Badinter commission after the break-up of the former federation. Croatian Parties on Tuesday commented on Slovenia's White Paper on the border between Slovenia and Croatia, made public by te Slovene Foreign Ministry on Monday. Slovene Prime Minister Janez Jansa spoke about relations with Croatia on Monday evening in an interview with state television given on the eve of Statehood Day, also commenting on the White Paper on border issues presented recently by the Slovene Foreign Ministry. Slovene Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel has said Slovenia's White Paper on the Slovene-Croatian border is primarily intended for the Slovene public but that it will also be interesting for Croatian politics although it does not constitute some new diplomat

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