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Croatian-German business forum held in Zagreb

Autor: ;half;
ZAGREB, June 13 (Hina) - Germany is one of Croatia's most important foreign trade partners and the negative trade balance is partly compensated for through tourism revenue, a Croatian-German business forum heard in Zagreb on Tuesday.
ZAGREB, June 13 (Hina) - Germany is one of Croatia's most important foreign trade partners and the negative trade balance is partly compensated for through tourism revenue, a Croatian-German business forum heard in Zagreb on Tuesday.

The statement was made by Zlatan Froehlich, president of the Zagreb Chamber of Commerce, who recalled that about 1.5 million German tourists visited Croatia last year, accounting for about 19 per cent of all foreign tourists.

The forum was held as part of a visit by a German business delegation led by Hans-Christian Arlt, a representative of the Rheinland-Pfalz provincial economy ministry.

Both sides agreed that cooperation between Croatian and German cities, provinces and counties was important for the development of economic and other ties.

The German business people and their Zagreb city and county partners also discussed potential technical and technological cooperation projects.

Croatian-German trade in 2005 amounted to USD3.7 billion, of which Croatian exports accounted for one billion and imports from Germany for about 2.7 billion.

(Hina) ha

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