Of those ten banks, only one is Croatian-owned and it is a state-run bank, according to figures presented in a special supplement of the Banka monthly.
At the end of 2005, the assets of the ten banks in question amounted to 239 billion kuna, or 92 percent of all assets of the 34 banks registered in Croatia.
The net profit of the top ten banks, coming to about three billion kuna, made up 91 percent of the profit acquired in the banking sector.
The services and products which the top ten banks gave to clients made up 90.5 percent of all the services and products offered in the banking sector last year.
According to their assets at the end of 2005, Zagrebacka Banka (ZABA) had a market share of 24 percent. It was followed by Privredna Banka Zagreb with 18.2 percent. The next two were Erste & Steiermaerkische (11.6 percent) and Raiffasenbank Austria (11 percent).
HVB Splitska Banka, which has changed its owner and will be Societe Generale - Splitska Banka as of July, ranked fifth.
Hypo Alpe-Adria Banka was sixth, while those ranking seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth are OTP, Croatian Postal Bank, Slavonska Banka and Volksbank respectively.