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Services from 'Krajina', Serb-held Bosnian areas and Serbia closely cooperated - witness

Autor: ;mses;
ZAGREB, May 9 (Hina) - Ari Kerkkannen, a former analyst of theProsecution of the International Criminal Tribunal for the formerYugoslavia (ICTY), on Tuesday testified at the trial of Milan Marticwhom the UN tribunal in The Hague charges with the 1995 shelling ofZagreb, war crimes against Croat civilians in the Serb-held areas ofCroatia from 1991 to 1995 and war crimes against non-Serbs inSerb-controlled areas of western Bosnia.
ZAGREB, May 9 (Hina) - Ari Kerkkannen, a former analyst of the Prosecution of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), on Tuesday testified at the trial of Milan Martic whom the UN tribunal in The Hague charges with the 1995 shelling of Zagreb, war crimes against Croat civilians in the Serb-held areas of Croatia from 1991 to 1995 and war crimes against non-Serbs in Serb-controlled areas of western Bosnia.

The witness said that there had been close links between various military and police services of the Serb statelet of Krajina in Croatia and the Serb-held areas in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Interior Ministry of Serbia.

According to documents which he analysed, those services actively cooperated.

The witness completed his testimony today, and the chairman of the trial chamber, Judge Bakone Justice Moloto decided the trial would be adjourned until further notice due to the illness of the indictee, Milan Martic, who was not present at today's hearing.

(Hina) ms

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