This proposal leads to ethnic segregation and I will never allow it, Lajcak said. If somebody wants a television network to broadcast programmes only in one language and only for one people then they can set up a commercial TV station in accordance with the market economy and there will be no restrictions then, the high representative told reporters in the southern Bosnian town of Mostar.
MOSTAR, July 16 (Hina) - The international community's High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, on Monday opposed a request by Bosnian Croat officials that a special radio and television channel in Croatian be set
up as part of Bosnia's Public Radio and Television, the topic discussed by the Federation's government last week on which Croat members were outvoted by the Bosniaks.
MOSTAR, July 16 (Hina) - The international community's High
Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Miroslav Lajcak, on Monday opposed a
request by Bosnian Croat officials that a special radio and television channel
in Croatian be set up as part of Bosnia's Public Radio and Television, the
topic discussed by the Federation's government last week on which Croat members
were outvoted by the Bosniaks.
(Hina) its