BANJA LUKA, March 27 (Hina) - The Prime Minister of the Bosnian Serb entity, Milorad Dodik, on Tuesday dismissed claims by the international community's High Representative to Bosnia, Christian Schwartz-Schilling, who, according to
Dodik, is trying to convince the public that at recent negotiations on police reform the PM agreed with the disappearance of the Bosnian Serb police.
BANJA LUKA, March 27 (Hina) - The Prime Minister of the Bosnian
Serb entity, Milorad Dodik, on Tuesday dismissed claims by the international
community's High Representative to Bosnia, Christian Schwartz-Schilling, who,
according to Dodik, is trying to convince the public that at recent
negotiations on police reform the PM agreed with the disappearance of the
Bosnian Serb police. A statement issued on the Republika Srpska web
site said that Schwartz-Shilling incorrectly interpreted Dodik's position at
the negotiations.
"The Republika Srpska prime minister once again stressed that it is
unacceptable that the future structure of police forces in Bosnia leaves out
the structure of the Bosnian Serb entity police. The Republika Srpska police
forces must be part of the future state police structure, with operational
independence, and clear jurisdiction on the territory of Republika Srpska," the
statement said.
Scwartz-Schilling told Nezavisne Novine daily last Sunday that Dodik
was prepared to transfer police jurisdiction to the state level.