"Moždani pacemakeri": Implantati na testiranju za pomoć alkoholičarima i narkomanima
Autor:Kristina Gabrić
epa10650461 Two electronic implants enables thought-controlled walking after spinal cord injury with Brain Computer Interface (BCI) are pictured during a press conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, 23 May 2023 (issued 24 May 2023). Neuroscientists from EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, CHUV/UNIL, Lausanne University Hospital and CEA, University Grenoble Alpes Hospital CHUGA, University Grenoble Alpes UGA, will publish in the prestigious scientific journals Nature, that they have re-established the communication between the brain and spinal cord with a wireless digital bridge, allowing a paralyzed person to walk again naturally. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT
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ZAGREB, 18. ožujka 2025. (Hina) - Kirurzi će staviti implantate u mozgove alkoholičara i ovisnika o opioidima u pokusu čiji je cilj testiranje upotrebe električnih impulsa za borbu protiv žudnje za pićem i drogama, piše britanski list Guardian.
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