Cijene nafte prošloga tjedna gotovo nepromijenjene
Autor:Slavica Cvitanić
epa11824364 Storage tanks and pipelines at the Central oil tank farm operated by Mero CR near Nelahozeves, Czech Republic, 14 January 2025. Mero CR, who owns and operates the Czech part of the Druzhba pipeline and the IKL pipeline, has completed technical work allowing the Czech Republic to switch to oil supply via the TAL and IKL pipelines. In 2025, the Czech Republic's EU exemption on oil imports from Russia, which is part of sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU over the invasion of Ukraine, will expire. The Czech Republic is now technically ready to switch to full Western oil supply and for a potential Russian oil outage, the Czech government confirmed on 14 January 2025, adding that Czechia will no longer be dependent on Russian oil from the Druzhba pipeline by the middle of this year. EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK
FotoID: HN:20250114862035
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ZAGREB, 17. ožujka 2025. (Hina) - Na svjetskim su tržištima cijene nafte prošloga tjedna ostale gotovo nepromijenjene jer bi carinski rat između Washingtona i njegovih trgovinskih partnera mogao oslabiti potražnju, dok podršku cijenama pružaju geopolitičke napetosti.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.