Golemi požar nakon sudara tankera i teretnog broda na sjeveru Engleske
Autor:Marijana Hajdić Gospočić
epa11817327 A handout photo made available by the Havariekommando (the German Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, CCME) shows the oil tanker 'Eventin' adrift off the coast of Ruegen, Germany, 10 January 2025. The 'Eventin' was en route from Russia to Egypt when the crew lost control of the vessel in the Baltic Sea and is now drifting near the island of Ruegen. According to a spokesperson from the Havariekommando, the ship poses no danger to the environment. EPA/HAVARIEKOMMANDO / HANDOUT MANDATORY CREDITHANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
FotoID: HN:20250110857810
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LONDON, 10. ožujka 2025. (Hina/Reuters) - Golemi požar izbio je nakon sudara tankera i teretnog broda blizu sjeveroistočne obale Engleske, zbog čega su na mjesto incidenta poslani zrakoplovi, helikopter i čamci za spašavanje, izvijestila je Agencija za pomorsku i obalnu stražu.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.