U EU u 2024. rekordnih 3 milijarde turističkih noćenja, Hrvatska deveta - Eurostat
Autor:Tatjana Miščančuk
epa11722652 People visit the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, southern Italy, 15 November 2024.The Archaeological Park of Pompeii's officials announced that starting on 15 November 2024, there will be a daily cap of 20,000 visitors to the ancient Roman city, and access tickets will include the visitor's name, with dedicated time slots during the summer period. The measures comes as part of efforts to protect the ancient site and after a record-breaking summer, with over 4 million total visitors and peaks of over 36,000 presences in a single day, recorded on the occasion of free entry Sundays. EPA/CESARE ABBATE
FotoID: HN:20241115785909
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ZAGREB, 10. ožujka 2025. (Hina) - Turisti su u zemljama EU-a u 2024. ostvarili nešto više od 3 milijarde noćenja, što je za 2,2 posto ili 65,4 milijuna više nego u 2023., čemu su najviše pridonijeli međunarodni turisti i porasti u zadnjem kvartalu, podaci su Eurostata, prema kojima je Hrvatska među članicama na 9. mjestu s više od 108 milijuna noćenja.
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