Izrael prestaje isporučivati struju Gazi - ministar
Autor:Maša Taušan
epa11882612 A high voltage substation in Rezekne, Latvia, 08 February 2025. The Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia on 08 February cut ties with Russia's power grid to join the European Union's network, as the three countries are about to take a historic energy security step on 09 February when they synchronize their former Soviet electricity systems with the Continental Europe Network (CEN). EPA/VALDA KALNINA
FotoID: HN:20250208902227
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TEL AVIV, 9. ožujka 2025. (Hina/AFP/dpa) - Izrael će prestati isporučivati struju Pojasu Gaze, objavio je u nedjelju ministar energetike Eli Cohen, tjedan dana nakon obustave ulaska humanitarne pomoći u tu enklavu kako bi se izvršio pritisak na Hamas.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.