epa10478900 Femke Bol of the Netherlands cheers after winning the 400m competition at the Dutch national championships indoor in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 19 February 2023. 22-year-old Femke Bol, the Olympic 400m hurdles bronze medalist, broke the longest-standing world record in a track race, taking down a 41-year-old record. Bol ran 49.26 seconds at the Dutch indoor championships in Apeldoorn. EPA/OLAF KRAAK
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APELDOORN, 6. ožujka 2025. (Hina) - Prvog dana ovogodišnjeg Europskog dvoranskog atletskog prvenstva u Apeldoornu održana je samo jedna finalna utrka, ona na 4x400 metara mješovitih štafeta, a zlato je osvojila domaća selekcija Nizozemske.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.