Kći francuskog silovatelja Dominiquea Pelicota vjeruje da ju je otac zlostavljao
Autor:Marijeta Nekić
epa11784820 Caroline Darian (L), daughter of Gisele Pelicot, and her brother David (R) arrive at the criminal court where her father Dominique Pelicot is on trial in Avignon, South of France, 19 December 2024. Judges will hand down verdicts on 51 men in the mass rape trial in which Dominique Pelicot is accused of drugging and raping his then-wife, Gisele Pelicot, as well as inviting dozens of men to rape her while she was unconscious at their home in Mazan, France, between 2011 and 2020. EPA/GUILLAUME HORCAJUELO
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PARIZ, 6. ožujka 2025. (Hina/dpa) - Kći Dominiquea Pelicota, koji je osuđen za angažiranje stranaca da siluju njegovu ženu pod jakim sedativima, rekla je u četvrtak da je i ona bila među žrtvama svog oca.
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