Rumunjska pritvorila šestero zbog optužbi za urotu povezanu s Rusijom
Autor:Benjamin Mihoci
epa10290699 A Romanian police van (L) and a car (R) leave the hotel parking lot after judicial policemen finished the first row of investigative research regarding the case of French military man that was found dead in his hotel room, at the hotel parking lot in Bucharest, Romania, 06 November 2022. The Romanian Military Prosecutor's Office is investigating the violent death of a French soldier who was found dead on 06 November in a Bucharest hotel room where he was staying, judicial sources informed the Romanian public news agency, Agerpres. The lifeless body of the soldier, who was part of the French mission deployed in the Romanian base where the NATO Combat Group led by France was formed in Romania in May 2022, was found by an employee and had scissors stuck in the upper part of the body. According to judicial sources cited by both Agerpres and Romanian public television (TVR), the main hypothesis at the moment is suicide. The deceased, 41, had stayed at the hotel from November 03 along with other French soldiers. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
FotoID: HN:20221106773324
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BUKUREŠT, 6. ožujka 2025. (Hina/Reuters) - Rumunjski tužitelji su u četvrtak rekli da su pritvorili šest osoba zbog optužbi da su uz pomoć Rusije nastojali izvesti državni udar, što predstavlja dramatičnu eskalaciju napetosti između Bukurešta i Moskve.
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