epa09542672 A handout photo made available by the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) shows an endangered New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) on Flinders Island, northeast of the island state of Tasmania, Australia, 10 September 2021 (issued 24 October 2021). Researchers have recorded images of the New Holland mouse, recognized nationally as being vulnerable to extinction, on Tasmania's Flinders Island, the first time the tiny native mammal has been spotted in the island state in about 17 years. The sighting and further survey work will help to inform a national recovery plan for the species. The last known confirmed New Holland Mouse was trapped in 2004 and the last hard evidence of the species was obtained in 2010 in the form of hair samples, Tasmanian authorities said. EPA/TASMANIAN DPIPWE HANDOUT AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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SAN JOSE, 24. veljače 2025. (Hina/dpa) - Ako jedan član skupine miševa padne u nesvijest, drugi će prići i pokušati pomoći, često koristeći nevjerojatne trikove, otkrili su znanstvenici, promatrajući ponašanje koje podsjeća na ljudske mjere oživljavanja.
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