Ukrajina sankcionirala bivšeg predsjednika Porošenka i zamrznula mu imovinu
Autor:Marijana Hajdić Gospočić
epa10488325 People look at pictures of former Ukrainian presidents Petro Poroshenko (R) and Viktor Yushchenko (L) on display at the exhibition 'Ukraine. At the Turns of the Era' at the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh or VDNH) in Moscow, Russia, 24 February 2023. Ten thematic exhibition halls cover a long historical period from the founding of the Old Russian state to the present day. The exhibition will last until 16 April 2023. On 24 February 2022 Russian troops entered the Ukrainian territory in what the Russian president declared to be a 'Special Military Operation', starting an armed conflict that has provoked destruction and a humanitarian crisis. One year on, fighting continues in many parts of the country. EPA/YURI KOCHETKOV
FotoID: HN:20230224934973
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu preuzeti fotografiju u punoj kvaliteti.
KIJEV, 13. veljače 2025. (Hina/Reuters) - Ukrajina je uvela sankcije bivšemu predsjedniku i oporbenom političaru Petru Porošenku, pri čemu je zamrznula njegovu imovinu i zabranila povlačenje kapitala iz zemlje, stoji u predsjedničkom dekretu objavljenom u četvrtak.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.