Hrvatska bi za desetak godina mogla dobiti prve male modularne reaktore
Autor:Davor Verković
epa04635147 A photo made available 24 February 2015 of technicians working on the 'Wendelstein 7-X' research reactor at the Max Planck Insitute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald, Germany, 23 February 2015. Researchers have begun to cool down 450 tons of metal to minus 270 degrees Celsius in order to make the magnetic coils of the fusion reactor superconductive and capable to hold hot plasma at temperatures of up to 100 million degrees Celsius. First tests of the stellarator reactor with hydrogen and helium are planned for summer 2015 with the scientists attempt to create a continous plasma discharge in order to simulate the processes in the sun. The operating license is still pending. EPA/STEFAN SAUER
FotoID: 20150224:photo-H2245735:1
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ZAGREB, 10. veljače 2025. (Hina) - U Ministarstvu gospodarstva osnovana je radna skupina za nuklearnu energiju kojoj će glavni cilj biti osmisliti zakon i progurati izgradnju malih modularnih nuklearnih reaktora, koji bi najranije za desetak godina mogli osvanuti u Hrvatskoj.
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