U Švedskoj ubijen muškarac prije sudske presude za spaljivanje Kurana
Autor:Marijana Hajdić Gospočić
epa11216400 A waxing crescent moon rises over the Kashmiri Masjid mosque during the first day of the holy month of Ramadan in Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 March 2024. The Muslims' holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, and it is believed that the revelation of the first verse in the Koran was during its last 10 nights. It is celebrated yearly by praying during the night and abstaining from eating, drinking, and sexual acts during the period between sunrise and sunset. It is also a time for socializing, mainly in the evening after breaking the fast, and a shift of all activities to late in the day in most countries. EPA/NARENDRA SHRESTHA
FotoID: HN:20240312441255
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STOCKHOLM, 30. siječnja 2024. (HIna/Reuters) - Irački izbjeglica i borac protiv islama ubijen je u Švedskoj kasno u srijedu, samo nekoliko sati prije nego što mu je trebala biti izrečena sudska presuda nakon suđenja za spaljivanje Kurana, pokazao je u četvrtak sudski dokument.
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