Gotovo 30 posto Sirijaca želi se vratiti kući - UN
Autor:Ružica Aščić
epa10705999 Syrian refugee children walk next to makeshift shelters during a visit of a delegation of Members of the European Parliament to the Syrian refugee camp in Marj area at Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, 22 June 2023. The delegation's visit comes after a lot of controversy over the presence of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and calls by various Lebanese parties and politicians to return refugees to Syria or to transfer them to another country. The Lebanese Government estimates that Lebanon currently hosts approximately 1.5 million refugees from Syria, including approximately 815,000 registered with UNHCR. EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
FotoID: HN:20230622102228
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DAMASK, 25. siječnja 2025. (Hina/Reuters) - Gotovo 30 posto od milijun sirijskih izbjeglica u bliskoistočnim zemljama želi se sljedeće godine vratiti kući nakon pada predsjednika Bašara al-Asada, rekao je čelnik UN-ove agencije za izbjeglice.
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