Pjevačica koja je preživjela Hamasov napad predstavljat će Izrael na Euroviziji
Autor:Zrinka Treščec
epa11363290 (3L-R) Candidates Ursula von der Leyen, Nicolas Schmit, Terry Reintke, Sandro Gozi, and Walter Baier onstage as they participate in the Eurovision Debate 2024 for the presidency of the European Commission, taking place in European Parliament hemicycle in Brussels, Belgium, 23 May 2024. The lead candidates for the presidency of the European Commission, Von der Leyen of the European People's Party, Baier of the European Left party, Schmit of the Party of European Socialists, Gozi of the European Democratic Party/Renew, and Reintke of the European Greens, were taking part in a final debate in Brussels ahead of the European election scheduled for 06-09 June 2024. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET
FotoID: HN:20240523544517
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JERUZALEM, 23. siječnja 2025. (Hina/afp) - Yuval Raphael, pjevačica koja je preživjela Hamasov napad na glazbeni festival Novu 7. listopada 2023. sakrivši se ispod gomile tijela, predstavljat će Izrael na Euroviziji.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.