Rijetka uljanica stara 1700 godina otkrivena u Jeruzalemu
Autor:Marijeta Nekić
epa10828313 Employees of the Israel Antiquities Authority work at a channel installation discovered in the City of David National Park, Jerusalem, 30 August 2023. The ancient channel installation, dating to the time of Kings Jehoash and Amaziah, was in use around 2,800 years ago – during the First Temple period, and is the first of its kind ever discovered in Israel. The channels were likely used to soak some type of product and their central location indicates that the product was connected to the Palace or Temple economy. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
FotoID: HN:20230830181633
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TEL AVIV, 26. prosinca 2024. (Hina/dpa) - Arheolozi su tijekom iskapanja u Jeruzalemu otkrili drevnu uljanicu staru oko 1.700 godina, objavila je u četvrtak Izraelska uprava za antikvitete.
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