Novi Zeland: ptičja gripa H7 ograničena na jednu farmu
Autor:Sara Sorić
epa09664651 Israeli workers of Agriculture Ministry dispose chicken eggs at a quarantined farm in the northern village of Margaliot, Israel, 03 January 2022. Israeli authorities are trying to contain the spread of bird flu (H5N1), after the virus killed thousands of wild migratory cranes in northern Israel, and at least three avian influenza hotspots were detected so far according to the ministry of agriculture. About 63,000 infected poultry were found in two days in northern Israel, and farmers in Israel have been forced to slaughter hundreds of thousands of chicken. EPA/ATEF SAFADI
FotoID: HN:20220103335334
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WELLINGTON, 24. prosinca 2024. (Hina/Reuters) - Novozelandski dužnosnici izvijestili su u utorak da je testiranje pokazalo da je soj visoko patogene ptičje gripe H7N6, otkriven na farmi ovoga mjeseca, prisutan samo na toj farmi.
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