Mađarski azil poljskom političaru osumnjičenom za pronevjere razljutio Poljsku
Autor:Benjamin Mihoci
epa11483146 Law and Justice (PiS) deputy Marcin Romanowski looks on during a press conference at the Sejm in Warsaw, Poland, 17 July 2024. Law and Justice (PiS) deputy and former deputy justice minister Romanowski, who was detained in connection with the Justice Fund investigation, was released just before midnight by a decision of the Warsaw-Mokotow District Court. The reason, Romanowski said, is his immunity as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which protects him. EPA/TOMASZ GZELL POLAND OUT
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BUDIMPEŠTA, 20. prosinca 2024. (Hina/Reuters) - Mađarska je dodijelila politički azil bivšem poljskom zamjeniku ministra pravosuđa Marcinu Romanowskom, protiv kojeg se u Poljskoj vodi istraga zbog optužbi o zloupotrebe javnih sredstava, što je dovelo do ljutite reakcije Varšave.
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