Siriju čeka budućnost bez Asada nakon pada Damaska u ruke pobunjenika
Autor:Zrinka Treščec
epa11765129 A Syrian rebel fires a weapon into the air to celebrate the rebel takeover of Damascus, in Homs, Syria, early 08 December 2024. Syrian rebels entered Damascus on 08 December 2024 and announced in a televised statement the 'Liberation of the city of Damascus and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad', as well as the release of all the prisoners. The rebels also urged the Syrian armed forces to leave Syrian public institutions, which will stay under the control of the outgoing Syrian prime minister until the official handover ceremony. EPA/BILAL AL HAMMOUD
FotoID: HN:20241208820333
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KAIRO/BEJRUT, 8. prosinca 2024. (Hina/dpa) - Sirijci su se u nedjelju suočili s novom političkom realnošću nakon što su pobunjenici zauzeli Damask, okončavši dugogodišnji režim predsjednika Bašara al-Asada, koji je pobjegao iz zemlje.
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