Sjedinjene Države, Japan i Filipini provode pomorske vježbe u Južnom kineskom moru
Autor:Ivo Lučić
epa10881999 A handout photo made available by Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) shows Chinese Coast Guard boats patrolling next to a floating barrier at the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal in the disputed South China Sea on 20 September 2023 (issued on 25 September 2023). The Philippine Foreign Affairs department issued a statement condemning the China Coast Guard’s installation of floating barriers in the vicinity of the Scarborough Shoal, which prevents Filipino fishermen from entering the shoal and depriving them of their fishing and livelihood activities. The shoal is an integral part of the Philippines over which it has sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction, the statement added. EPA/HO HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
FotoID: HN:20230925216656
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MANILA, 6. prosinca (hina/Reuters) - Oružane snage Filipina, Sjedinjenih Država i Japana u petak su provele "aktivnost pomorske suradnje" unutar ekskluzivne gospodarske zone Manile u Južnom kineskom moru, priopćilo je američko Indo-pacifičko zapovjedništvo.
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