U Njemačkoj uhićen Libijac zbog planiranja napada na izraelsko veleposlanstvo
Autor:Nenad Kreizer
epa09215725 A man holds Israel flag as he attends a rally called 'solidarity with Israel and against antisemitism' in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, 20 May 2021. In response to days of violent confrontations between Israeli security forces and Palestinians in Jerusalem, various Palestinian militant factions in Gaza launched rocket attacks since 10 May that killed at least 12 Israelis to date. The Palestinian health ministry said that at least 232 Palestinians, including 61 children, were killed in the retaliatory Israeli airstrikes. EPA/FILIP SINGER
FotoID: HN:20210520047473
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BERLIN, 20. listopada 2024. (Hina) - U Bernauu pored Berlina uhićen je jedan Libijac zbog sumnje da je planirao napad na izraelsko veleposlanstvo u Berlinu, priopćilo je u nedjelju glavno državno odvjetništvo u Karlsruheu.
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