U Venezueli uhićeno šestero stranaca zbog navodne zavjere za ubojstvo Madura
Autor:Kristina Gabrić
epa11570312 Venezuelan President, Nicolas Maduro, speaks to his followers in Caracas, Venezuela, 28 August 2024. Chavista supporters celebrated on 28 August in the streets of Venezuela the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro in the elections held a month ago, as Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado also held a rally in Caracas protesting against the official results of Venezuela's presidential elections, and claiming the victory of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. EPA/MIGUEL GUTIERREZ
FotoID: HN:20240829677849
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RIO DE JANEIRO, 15. rujna 2024. (Hina/dpa) - Šestero stranih državljana uhićeno je u subotu u Venezueli nakon što su ih dužnosnici optužili da su planirali atentat na predsjednika Nicolása Madura.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.