Mađarska spremna tužiti EK zbog troškova zaštite granica
Autor:Doris Kujek
epa11588955 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrives to attend the first day of the 50th Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, northern Italy, 06 September 2024. The international economic conference runs under the theme 'Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy' from 06 to 08 September 2024. The annual forum sees the participation of heads of state and government, EU institutions representatives, ministers, Nobel prize winners and businessmen from around the world to discuss current issues that have a major impact on the global economy and society. EPA/MATTEO BAZZI
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BUDIMPEŠTA, 12. rujna 2024. (Hina/Reuters) - Mađarska je spremna tužiti Europsku komisiju kako bi nadoknadila troškove zaštite vanjske granice Europske unije, što ju je, kako tvrdi, koštalo oko 2 milijarde eura, rekao je šef kabineta premijera Viktora Orbana.
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