Novi slučaj femicida potvrđen u BiH, petnaesta žrtva u godinu dana
Autor:Ranko Mavrak
epa11207316 NousToutes activist Celia Levy (C) takes parts in an action to denounce the more of 900 women killed in a femicide in France since the beginning of Emmanuel Macron's presidency at the end of a rally on International Women's Day in Paris, France, 08 March 2024. International Women's Day (IWD) is observed annually on 08 March worldwide to highlight women's rights, as well as issues such as violence and abuse against women. Nous Toutes denounces the lack of means to fight against feminicides. French president Macron had announced in November 2017 that the fight against violence against women would be one of the main causes of his mandate. Nous Toutes is a French feminist collective that has been denouncing sexist and sexual violence in France since 2018. EPA/TERESA SUAREZ
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SARAJEVO, 12. kolovoza 2024. (Hina) - Novi slučaj femicida u Bosni i Hercegovini potvrđen je u ponedjeljak nakon što je policija očevidom utvrdila kako je 38-godišnji muškarac ubio ženu pa potom pokušao počiniti samoubojstvo.
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