Venezuela: Brazil poziva na "nepristranu provjeru rezultata" predsjedničkih izbora
Autor:Branka Radman
epa11504913 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C) celebrates after partial results were announced by the electoral council, in Caracas, Venezuela, 29 July 2024. According to the first report from the National Electoral Council (CNE), Maduro was re-elected for a third consecutive term in the elections held on 28 July, in which he obtained 51.2 percent of the votes (5,150,092 votes), while the standard-bearer of the majority opposition, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, obtained 4,445,978 votes, which represents 44.2 percent of the votes. EPA/RONALD PENA R.
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ZAGREB, 29. srpnja 2024. (Hina/AFP) - Brazilska vlada pozvala je u ponedjeljak na "nepristranu provjeru rezultata" u Venezueli, nakon objave reizbora predsjednika Nicolasa Madura, što osporava oporba koja tvrdi da je ona pobijedila.
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