Gradonačelnica Pariza okupala se u Seini kako bi naglasila čistoću vode
Autor:Gordan Gabrovec
epa11483074 Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and President of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics Organising Committee Tony Estanguet (L) swim in the Seine to demonstrate that the river is clean enough to host the outdoor swimming events at Paris 2024 Olympic Games, in Paris, France, 17 July 2024. Despite an investment of 1.4 billion euros ($1.5 billion) to prevent sewage leaks into the waterway, the Seine has been causing suspense in the run-up to the opening of the Paris Games on 26 July, after repeatedly failing water quality tests. According to the Paris city hall on 12 July, the Seine has been clean enough for swimming for most of the past 12 days. EPA/JOEL SAGET / POOL MAXPPP OUT
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PARIZ, 17. srpnja 2024. (Hina/dpa) - Gradonačelnica Pariza Anne Hidalgo okupala se u srijedu u rijeci Seini kako bi naglasila da je voda sigurna za plivanje nešto više od tjedan dana uoči početka Olimpijskih igara.
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