Požar u francuskoj tvornici: Gori 900 tona litijevih baterija
Autor:Marijeta Nekić
epa10791939 Funeral cars arrive to collect bodies in the aftermath of a fire that broke out at a holiday home for disabled people in Wintzenheim, north-eastern France, 09 August 2023. French authorities recovered the bodies of nine people after a fire broke out on 09 August in a structure that housed disabled people in Wintzenheim, in the department of Haut-Rhin. Two people are still feared missing as search and rescue works continue at the site. EPA/RONALD WITTEK
FotoID: HN:20230809160174
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PARIZ, 18. veljače 2024. (Hina/Reuters) - Oko 900 tona litijevih baterija gori u tvornici za recikliranje baterija u južnoj Francuskoj, tvoreći oblak gustog crnog dima, priopćile su francuske vlasti u nedjelju.
Samo prijavljeni korisnici mogu pregledati cijeli sadržaj.