Ledo joint stock company for production and trade in ice-cream and frozen food, Zagreb, Čavićeva 1a, MBS: 080002964, OIB: 87955947581, responsible person: Dario Vrabec (hereinafter: the "Issuer") informs the shareholders, the investment public and the competent institutions as follows:
On May 25th 2018, two documents were published on the Extraordinary Administration's website, these being:
• Draft Settlement Plan in the Extraordinary Administration Proceedings over Agrokor d.d. (plus annexes thereto); and
• Agrokor Draft Settlement Plan Step Paper - Extract.
Aforementioned documents may be found under the following link:
• http://nagodba.agrokor.hr/en/draft-settlement-plan/
The Issuer hereby confirms that it will continue to inform on further actions and decisions, which are deemed to be price sensitive information in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Ledo d.d. Zagreb
mr.sc. Dario Vrabec,
The President of the Management Board
Source of information:
Ledo d.d.
Marijana Čavića 1a
10000 Zagreb
Telefon: 01 2385 723
Telefax: 01 2385 686
e-mail: financije@ledo.hr
web: www.ledo.hr
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