Exports in January and February were worth HRK 12.3 billion, up 5.8% over the same time last year, while imports rose by 2.1% to HRK 19.7 billion.
Expressed in euros, exports increased by 5.2% to EUR 1.6 billion and imports by 1.6% to EUR 2.57 billion.
As a result, the foreign trade deficit was reduced by 3.4% to HRK 7.4 billion. Viewed in euros, the deficit was EUR 967.3 million.
The DZS had initially estimated that exports in the first two months of the year had gone up by 4.1% and that imports had dropped by 2.7%.
The increase in exports was mainly driven by an increase in exports of means of transport and ships of as much as 259.9% to EUR 89.6 million, a 20.9% increase in clothing exports to EUR 92.5 million and a 19.1% rise in food exports to EUR 121 million.
(EUR 1 = HRK 7.580518)