In this sector, 27 businesses operated in 2023, employing 2,290 people, which is a 4.5% decrease in the number of employees compared to the previous year.
The total revenues of businesses in the confectionery industry in 2023 amounted to €232 million, which is 22% higher than the previous year, while total expenses increased by 19.3%, reaching €224 million.
The profit for the period amounted to €6.8 million and the loss for the period was €504,000, with a positive consolidated financial result of €6.3 million.
Of the total number of enterprises in the cocoa, chocolate and sweets production sector, 19 operated at a profit, while eight reported a loss for the period.
Exports of the confectionery industry in 2023 amounted to nearly €92 million, an 18.8% increase compared to the previous year, while imports rose by 17.9%, to €71.9 million. The trade surplus amounted to €20.1 million.
The average monthly net salary of employees in the cocoa, chocolate and sweets production sector in 2023 was €901, which is 9.7% higher compared to the previous year, but 12.4% lower than the average monthly net salary of employees across all sectors in Croatia (€1,028).
Kraš leads in revenues, profit and number of employees
Fina's data shows that in 2023, Kraš retained its dominant position among enterprises in the cocoa, chocolate and sweets production sector across several parameters.
In 2023, Kraš generated the highest total revenue of €167.2 million, reported the highest net profit of €5.8 million and employed the largest number of workers, a total of 1,580, with an average monthly net salary of €971.
Kandit ranked second for total revenue, with 346 employees and €38.7 million in total revenue.