The foundation-stone-laying is set tor Saturday, and the abbess of the monastery, Sister Finka Tomas, has told Hina that the two-floor shelter with 17 rooms where 30 patients of lower means will be provided with accommodation, is expected to be built in 12 months.
Access to this facility will be provided to oncology patients from outside Zagreb who must travel to the capital city for chemotherapy and radiation therapy as well as to parents who accompany their underage children who need chemotherapy and radiation therapy in Zagreb, according to the nun.
She said that this type of free-of-charge hotel for oncology patients is the first one in Croatia.
She said that the sisters initially hesitated about starting the investment, but then received support from the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, several companies, and benefactors.
“We are optimistic because since the announcement of the project, followed by some charity evenings, more and more people have been contributing with donations," says Sister Finka, adding that a bank account has been opened for donations, and it is available on the website of the Merciful Sisters of the Holy Cross.