The successful British series of ITV and Britbox 'Hotel Portofino', directed by Adam Wimpenny and Jon Jones, has been filmed in the Kvarner area for three years. It is the largest film project in the area of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and Croatia, which promotes Kvarner in numerous markets where the series is planned to be shown.
Along with several other audiovisual works filmed in the area in recent years, the shooting of the series 'Hotel Portofino' positions the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County among the most attractive locations in Croatia for foreign and domestic film productions.
Miodrag Sila from the production company Drugi plan reminded that in Rijeka, where they feel welcome and the conditions for filming are excellent, they have already filmed the series 'Newspaper'. He emphasised the importance of the British series, where almost all the members of the film crew are from Croatia.
Location manager Dean Lalić is proud that 'Hotel Portofino' is being filmed in the Rijeka area, pointing out that a lot of filming is done there thanks to the beauty and diversity of the area, and above all to the people, from those in local self-government, the state to private individuals.
In the following days, it will be filmed in the State Archives in Rijeka, the Governor's Palace, Rijeka Resolution Square, Grivica Square and other locations.
Tanja Ladović Blažević from the Croatian Audiovisual Center (HAVC) said that HAVC supports the project with financial incentives and emphasised the contribution of Croatian film workers, and the project confirms Rijeka and Kvarner as excellent locations for filming.
They expect at least 14 projects to be filmed in Croatia this year, several in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County.