Pursuant to Article 135 of the Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, ERSTE&STEIERMÄRKISCHE BANK d.d. with its headquarters in Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3/a (hereinafter: Bank) announces that the Supervisory Board Meeting was held on 25 March 2022.
At the Meeting the Supervisory Board gave its approval to the audited financial statements for the year 2021. Audited financial statements for the year 2021 are available on the Bank’s website as well as on website of the Zagreb Stock Exchange and Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency - Central Storage of Regulated Information.
(Financial Reports, Presentations and Announcements (erstebank.hr)
Source of information:
Jadranski trg, 3a 51000 Rijeka
tel./fax - informacije dioničarima:
385 062 37 1000; +385 062 37 5000
e-mail za informacije dioničarima: pr@erstebank.com
web: www.erstebank.hr