At the General Assembly held on December 20, 2021, the Company made a decision to increase the share capital by issuing new shares ("Decision"). The share capital of the Company before the increase amounted to HRK 595,458,500.00 and was divided into 5,954,585 shares. Pursuant to the Decision, the Company issues 1,190,217 new ordinary registered shares, with an individual nominal amount of HRK 100.00 marked SUKC-R-A. By the decision of the Commercial Court in Zagreb of 31 December 2021, the capital increase was entered in the court register.
After the increase, the share capital of the Company amounts to HRK 714,480,200.00 and is divided into 7,144,802 shares with an individual nominal amount of HRK 100.00. All 1,190,217 new shares are ordinary shares and each of the new shares entitles to one vote, as do other ordinary shares of the Company. Therefore, after the increase in the share capital, a total of 7,143,639 shares of the Company's shares entitles its holder to one vote each, given the fact that the Company currently holds 1,163 own shares.
Investor Relations
Source of information:
Sunce Hoteli d.d.
Trpinjska 9
10000 ZAGREB
Tel: 01/6442-244
Mob: 091/6363-090
Fax: 01/3844-177