Pursuant to Article 277. of the Companies Act and Articles 24 - 31. of the Article of Association of STANOVI JADRAN PLC., Split, Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX, MBS 060227551, OIB: 88680117715 (further in text: The Company or STANOVI JADRAN PLC.) the Management Board announces
which will be held on Monday, August 30, 2021, at 12:00 in the Company's headquarter, Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX, Split.
Original Invitation with agenda and proposals of decisions can be downloaded by clicking on PDF.
Source of information:
Stanovi Jadran plc.
Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX
21000 Split
tel: +385(0)21 482 367
fax: +385(0)21 482 374
web: www.stanovijadran.com
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