Pursuant to the Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on market abuse, Atlantic Grupa d.d. hereby announces that Srećko Nakić, Member of the Management Board released 25 shares of Atlantic Grupa d.d., of the total nominal value of HRK 1,000.00, by the transaction made on 14 June 2021, at the regulated market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. Subject shares represent 0.001% of the share capital of the Company and provide 0.001% votes at the General Assembly of the Company.
Original information can be downloaded by clicking on PDF.
Source of information:
Atlantic Grupa d.d.
Miramarska 23, 10000 Zagreb
Informations to investors:
tel: +385 1 2413 145
e-mail: ir@atlantic.hr
web: www.atlantic.hr
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Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Atlantic Grupa d.d., Zagreb, Miramarska 23, MB: 1671910, OIB: 71149912416, is issuing as follows: