Pursuant to the provision of the Article 474, paragraph 3 of the Capital Market Law, we hereby inform that on April 12, 2021 the total number of AD Plastik's own shares amounts to 61,844, representing 1.47 percent of the share capital.
Shares have been acquired on the basis of the General Assembly's authorization of July 20, 2017 and under the conditions determined by the General Assembly with the aim to reward management and employees. In 2011, an employee stock ownership program was launched which is still active.
The Company does not have a repurchase program of its own shares.
Katia Zelić
Investor Relations Manager
mob. +385 91 221 1446
Source of information:
Matoševa 8, 21210 Solin
Informations to investors:
tel: +385 21 206-407
fax: +358 21 206-599
web: www.adplastik.hr
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