At the session of the Supervisory Board of INA-Industrija nafte, d.d. held on 24 March 2021, the Supervisory Board adopted the 2020 audited financial statements as well as the Independent Auditors' Report and examined the Company status report of INA Group for 2020 and had no objections to the delivered report.
At this same session Supervisory Board gave its consent to the proposal of the Management Board to covering loss for year 2020 in amount of HRK 932,758,665.14 as follows: from prior years’ retained earnings in amount of HRK 691,722,821.47 and the remaining loss in the amount of HRK 241,035,843.67 will be transferred to accumulated losses and will be covered in next periods.
Financial statements are published on the company’s web page and at the Zagreb Stock Exchange web page and were sent to the Croatian Financial Services Supervision Agency.
Source of information:
INA - Industrija nafte d.d.
Av. V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb
Investor Relations
Tel.: + 385 1 645 0000
Fax: + 385 1 645 2444
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