Dalekovod as the issuer of 24,719,305 ordinary registered shares of the Company, of individual nominal amount of HRK 10.00, under the code DLKV-R-A, listed for trading on the regulated, official market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange d.d., on December 4, 2020. pursuant to Article 17/1 of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Regulation on market abuse) and repealing Directive 2003/6 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Commission Directive 2003/124 / EC, 2003/125 / EC and 2004/72 / EC (“Official Journal of the European Union”, L 173/1 of 12.6.2014) (hereinafter: the “Regulation”), informed the public that it had received a notification from Konsolidator d.o.o., based in Zagreb, Andrije Street Hebranga 34, MBS: 080848508, OIB: 73678065415, EUID: HRSR.080848508 (hereinafter: "Consolidator"), and where it follows that the Fund Inspirio FGS (hereinafter: "Fund") is the holder of business shares in the company Konsolidator, and Konsolidator owns 15 million shares of DLKV-R-A, and further that, Inspire Investments d.o.o., which manages the Fund is obligated, no later than 2.2.2021, to sell the entire assets of the Fund.
Dalekovod hereby informs the public that on January 21, 2021 It received a notification from Konsolidator, stating that the Board of Trustees of the Fund at its meeting held on 19 January 2021 decided to extend the duration of the Fund for the next 6 months.
This information is available to the public on Zagreb Stock Exchange d.d. website, the Company's website www.dalekovod.hr, in the Official Register of Prescribed Information (HANFA) and has been submitted to HINA for publication.
Dalekovod d.d.
Source of information:
Dalekovod jsc.
M.Čavića 4, 10000 Zagreb
Tel:+385 1 24 59 928
e-mail: glasnogovornik@dalekovod.hr
URL: www.dalekovod.com
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