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OTS: Zagreb Stock Exchange Inc. - Notification regarding own shares

Author: Orhideja Štrk

Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Zagreb Stock Exchange Inc. from Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a/22, OIB: 84368186611, is issuing as follows:

In accordance with Article 474(3) of the Capital Market Act (Official Gazette No. 65/18 and 17/20, hereinafter: CMA), the Zagreb Stock Exchange, Inc. (hereinafter: the Company) with its registered office in Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a, VAT ID No. (OIB): 84368186611, hereby notify the public about following information regarding own shares.

   - On April 23, 2020, the Company has no own shares, either directly or through a person acting in his own name but on the Company's behalf.
   - Between January 1 and December 31, 2019, the Company did not acquire nor dispose of its shares, therefore in the mentioned period, the Company has not notified the public about the acquisition or disposal of its own shares in accordance with Article 474(1) of the CMA.
   - There is no own share repurchase program in the Company.
   - There is no employee shareholding program in the Company.
Ivana Gažić                                                Tomislav Gračan
President of the Management Board        Member of the Management Board
Source of information:
Zagreb Stock Exchange, Inc.
Ivana Lučića 2a/22, Zagreb
T. +385 1 4686 800
F. +385 1 4677 680
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