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OTS: Atlantic Grupa d.d. - Management Board session held

Author: Orhideja Štrk

Zagreb (HinaOTS) - Atlantic Grupa d.d., Zagreb, Miramarska 23, MB: 1671910, OIB: 71149912416, is issuing the following:

Pursuant to the Article 133 of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules, Atlantic Grupa d.d. (hereon in the text: the Company) hereby announces that on February 25, 2020, the Session of the Management Board was held during which consolidated and unconsolidated financial results of the Company for the Fourth Quarter of 2019 were considered and adopted. These statements will be announced in the time period prescribed by relevant provisions of law.
Atlantic Grupa d.d.
Napomena o izvoru:
Atlantic Grupa d.d.
Miramarska 23, 10000 Zagreb
Informacije za investitore:
tel: +385 1 2413 145
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