Pursuant to Article 277. of the Companies Act and appropriate Articles 24. to 31. of the Articles of Association of STANOVI JADRAN d.d., Split, Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX, MBS 060227551, OIB 88680117715 (further in text: the Company or STANOVI JADRAN d.d.) the Management Board comes to the decision on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. of convening
which will be held on Friday, August 09, 2019 at 12:00 in the company's headquarter, Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX, Split.
Original document on GA convocation can be downloaded by clicking on PDF.
Source of information:
Stanovi Jadran d.d.
Kralja Zvonimira 14/IX
21000 Split
tel: +385(0)21 482 367
fax: +385(0)21 482 374
web: www.stanovijadran.com
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