Pursuant to the provisions of Article 133.b, related to the article 99.e of the Rules of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, PODRAVKA Inc., Ante Starčevića 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252 (The Issuer) hereby confirms that member of the Audit Committee of the Issuer, Ms. Ivana Matovina, is independent of the Issuer.
Source of information:
Corporate Communications
A. Starčevića 32; HR - 48000 Koprivnica
tel. 048 651 953
fax. 048 622 008
web: www.podravka.com
e-mail: press@podravka.hr
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Koprivnica (HinaOTS) - Pursuant to the Capital Market Law, PODRAVKA Inc., Ante Starčević 32, Koprivnica, PIN: 18928523252, is issuing as follows: