During a hearing held on 13th May 2019 at the Commercial Court in Pazin a hearing was concluded for the purpose of explaining a proposal and conditions for opening bankruptcy proceedings for the Company ULJANIK SHIPBUILDING COMPUTER SISTEMS d.o.o., and the judge will bring a written Decision within the statutory term.
Uljanik d.d.
Source of information:
Flaciusova 1, 52100 Pula, Hrvatska
Informations to investors:
Tel: 00385 52 373 102
Fax: 00385 52 373 646
e-mail: pavlina.klasta@uljanik.hr
web: www.uljanik.hr
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Pula (HinaOTS) - Uljanik d.d. from Pula, Flaciusova 1, MBS: 040016740, OIB: 56243843109, is issuing as follows: